Camila's* Story

'My name is Camila*, I am 57 years old and I want to express and tell my experience and a little of my story.
I came to you through the NHS. I have been homeless for seven months and sleeping in a night shelter.
During this time there were few people who listened to me. But when I contacted Money A+E, Flor attended to my case and made an appointment in my Spanish language for me with Montse [Money Coach adviser]. I am Colombian.
I just want to say words of gratitude. Montse was a person who was happy to take her time not only to listen to me but to guide me in this difficult process.
I just want to say words of gratitude. Montse was a person who was happy to take her time not only to listen to me but to guide me in this difficult process that, unfortunately, due to changes in my health condition and not being able to work and take care of myself, made changes in my economic situation.
Montse helped to make my applications and everything move faster and she is a very valuable support for me. I hope many people know about it and about Money A+E as an organization. I can only say thank you very much.'
➡️ Money A+E Money Coaches provides multilingual debt, benefits and money advice .
Fighting debt, poverty and homelessness where it is needed most.
A big thank you to Camila* for sharing her feedback.
*Name has been changed