Food and rent price rises are rising far beyond wages.
Average energy bills have risen to £2,500/year* and inflation on food stands at an incredible 16.5%**.
It is low-income households who are feeling this pain the hardest.
At Money A+E, we are seeing our most vulnerable clients struggling to stay afloat.
More and more people need our support with ‘deficit budgets’: meaning that their income simply does not cover their household expenses.
50% increase in rent arrears for our clients in 2021.
-£577 average hole in our clients' budgets in 2022.
£2.4 million total debt that we supported our clients to manage in 2022.
Walkathon 2022. Outrun the crisis.
Money A+E Team was running for our communities, for those hit the hardest by the Cost of Living Crisis.
Donate today, and you will help us to provide 1-2-1 debt, benefits and money advice sessions for those in financial difficulty. Our expert advisers support people to manage their debts, and to maximize their income through accessing grants and benefits that they may not have been aware of.
Your gift could fund an emergency grant for a household in the most severe financial hardship. Our grants of £200-250 are given to help households cover food and utility bills in a time of crisis.
Your support is also helping to build long-term community financial resilience. We deliver financial education workshops that transform communities with essential money management skills.
Your gift could mean that a person living with disabilities does not have to choose between eating, and heating their home.
It could mean that a single mother does not have to live with anxiety over debt, or feel pushed towards loan sharks at the school gate.
These are real-life situations, happening right now in our neighbourhoods. We don’t think that’s right.
Please, donate today and help us put the heart back in our communities.
Thank you.
financial gains for
our clients in 2022.
increase in people’s feelings of wellbeing when dealing with money problems, after they engaged with Money A+E services.
increase in people’s feelings of control around money, after they engaged with Money A+E services.
What your gift could provide
£10 could help fund expert debt and benefits advice for a household in financial crisis.
£40 could help provide an emergency grant, enabling a family to afford food and heating while they receive urgent debt and benefits advice.
£200 could help fund financial education workshops that are proven to fight poverty long-term.